Friday, September 25, 2009

Athletes and Guns

As the events of what happened to Plaxico with the sentence of 2 years in prison, I am hearing all these different people talk about athletes shouldn't have guns and people weighing in on the topic that are not athletes. Well now you are going to hear my thoughts pertaining to athletes and guns and also about the prison sentence.

Everyone always says athletes shouldn't be carrying guns and even more, shouldn't be allowed to have guns. As a huge gun lover and also a concealed firearms license holder in the state of Georgia, I will object to those statements. The most obvious reason why we should be able to carry guns, I am not going to get into because I am not wanting to talk politics here. Another time and another place. But yes an athlete lives the life where most of the time he drives a really nice car, has jewelry on, and all the things that lead to him having a great deal of money. This does put an athlete at risk and exposed to a lot of dangers which can lead to car jackings, muggings, home invasions, etc. So the right to protect yourself is certainly allowed because you do care about your possessions but more importantly your family as well. However, just going out to buy a gun does not make you more protected.

If you do not know how to properly handle a weapon and shoot the weapon, it could cause more harm then good to own a gun. There have been many cases an intruder has overcome the victim and takes the weapon and now that victim is in danger of losing his life because he didn't know how to handle his firearm. If you choose to buy a firearm, make sure to take some courses on how to properly handle and shoot the firearm as well as properly storing it, for example: a holster instead of your waist band!

The other big issue is now you own this firearm and know how to properly use and handle the firearm, but where can you take it?? This is one of the biggest problems when it comes to owning a firearm. Every state sets different mandates and laws as to where you can take a firearm. It also makes a difference in where your firearm is located in your car from state to state. Some states you can carry a gun on your person without a permit and other states you can not even have a gun on you regardless of a permit (Wisconsin and Illinois). If you are to buy a firearm, you need to get a concealed firearms permit to always be on the safe side and to also find out ALL the info and laws as to where to carry it for your state. Just because you get a permit doesn't mean you can carry it in all 50 states either. Certain states work with others to honor each others firearm licenses. You need to do research before you head to another state to find out about their firearm laws. You don't want to end up in prison because you didn't know the law of another state!

Now for the part that most of you have been waiting for! In the case of Plaxico, me as an athlete and as a citizen, I think that the punishment fits the crime. Athletes are just like regular citizens and shouldn't be taken as a higher power just because you have money or play on T.V. If he knew all the things I have just mentioned, he would not have brought his gun to that nightclub. If you are in a place where you feel your life is in danger and you choose to go there, well hire a certified person protection officer or just don't go there! I am sure there are other great places that you can go and you won't have a problem. Quick note on executive protection. Your bodyguard, just because they are big and can fight, doesn't mean they are qualified to protect you because they are not trained with adversity like gun shots and real life circumstances. First shots of a gun and I bet your boy is running faster than you and not putting himself in front of a bullet for what you pay him, if you do at all! Yes danger can happen anywhere, but under the laws that are made out there, it doesn't give you a right to bring a gun where you are not supposed to bring it. Keep your guns where they are allowed and know how to handle it, use it and have a firearms license and be well aware of the gun laws for your state and you will be just fine.

One great website among others for info about laws for each state and more, check out

Would love to hear comments, concerns, questions on this topic! Please feel free to leave them.


  1. Well thought out Rob!

    Firearms are like insurance and four wheel drive. You may go your whole life and never need them but that one time could be a real life saver.

    Will Nelson
    Concealed firearms license holder - Georgia

  2. I agree with Rob. I cannot imagine why athletes, or any other law-abiding segment of the population, should not be permitted to arm themselves.

    The biggest problem with firearms is that they are too often seen as THE solution to personal security threats. They may be part of a range of possible solutions, but they must be the last resort.

    The best approach to personal security is to avoid the threat. It’s the best because it is the easiest and the least dangerous. It requires no special skill – just the knowledge that a threat exists. Learning the techniques to identify a potential threat is the best insurance against becoming a victim.

    If you fail to avoid the threat the next best solution is to evade it. This is a little more difficult and requires some knowledge and much more skill. Because of inherent problems, the evading should be designed to get you to the nearest safe area as quickly and safely as possible.

    If you fail to avoid or evade the threat the final solution is to counter it. This is the most difficult and requires the greatest amount of knowledge, skill, and often, luck. The bad guy may have a lot of advantages in this phase, including your physiological responses limiting your ability to counter. (You may be a dead-eye shot on the range but can you hit anything with your heart racing at 200 beats per minute?)

    Unfortunately, firearms (and martial arts for that matter) are appropriate only in countering a threat. Basically, if a place is dangerous don’t go there. If you see a potential threat, run away. If you have to resort to a firearm, you’ve made two mistakes – you’ve failed to avoid or evade the threat.

    I can think of three groups of people who have difficulty doing the don’t go or run away thing - soldiers, because they are trained to kill or capture the enemy and seize terrain; police officers, because they are determined to make an arrest; and athletes, because they are hell bent on “winning.” If you define winning as surviving that’s fine. If you define winning as beating the bad guy, you’re going to be less likely to avoid or evade and more likely to have to go straight to the counter phase.

    A good bodyguard will help with the avoid and evade parts as much as with the counter part. One criterion for a good bodyguard is someone who cares about your life as much or more than you do. {Good luck finding that guy.)

    Having said all that, I have no problem with carrying a weapon, learning a martial art, or having bodyguards. They are, however, much less likely to protect you from threats than are other approaches.

    Anyone who decides to carry a firearm (as I have) should carefully consider all the points that Rob makes.

  3. As a retired Army NCO and a commited pacifist, I still have to agree with Rob. Urban legend says that when musican David Crosby was asked by the judge why he was carrying a gun, his two word reply? "John Lennon". Even if not true, the idea is solid.

  4. I totally agree Rob. Of course, public persona or not, *anyone* who chooses to carry a gun should go through all the steps you outlined. RESPONSIBLE gun ownership - even a lot of us pacifists support that one whole heartedly.
    Combine that with responsible CHOICES too - for heavens sake dont go TO any places that you KNOW will put you in dangerous situations!
    Putting your gun in your sweat pants waist band as you head out to party? STUPID.
    Bringing your gun to an arena and waving it around? STUPID again.

    And whaddya mean you wouldn't take a bullet for me if I hired you? I'm one of #BowensBrood! ;-)

