Friday, September 25, 2009

Athletes and Guns

As the events of what happened to Plaxico with the sentence of 2 years in prison, I am hearing all these different people talk about athletes shouldn't have guns and people weighing in on the topic that are not athletes. Well now you are going to hear my thoughts pertaining to athletes and guns and also about the prison sentence.

Everyone always says athletes shouldn't be carrying guns and even more, shouldn't be allowed to have guns. As a huge gun lover and also a concealed firearms license holder in the state of Georgia, I will object to those statements. The most obvious reason why we should be able to carry guns, I am not going to get into because I am not wanting to talk politics here. Another time and another place. But yes an athlete lives the life where most of the time he drives a really nice car, has jewelry on, and all the things that lead to him having a great deal of money. This does put an athlete at risk and exposed to a lot of dangers which can lead to car jackings, muggings, home invasions, etc. So the right to protect yourself is certainly allowed because you do care about your possessions but more importantly your family as well. However, just going out to buy a gun does not make you more protected.

If you do not know how to properly handle a weapon and shoot the weapon, it could cause more harm then good to own a gun. There have been many cases an intruder has overcome the victim and takes the weapon and now that victim is in danger of losing his life because he didn't know how to handle his firearm. If you choose to buy a firearm, make sure to take some courses on how to properly handle and shoot the firearm as well as properly storing it, for example: a holster instead of your waist band!

The other big issue is now you own this firearm and know how to properly use and handle the firearm, but where can you take it?? This is one of the biggest problems when it comes to owning a firearm. Every state sets different mandates and laws as to where you can take a firearm. It also makes a difference in where your firearm is located in your car from state to state. Some states you can carry a gun on your person without a permit and other states you can not even have a gun on you regardless of a permit (Wisconsin and Illinois). If you are to buy a firearm, you need to get a concealed firearms permit to always be on the safe side and to also find out ALL the info and laws as to where to carry it for your state. Just because you get a permit doesn't mean you can carry it in all 50 states either. Certain states work with others to honor each others firearm licenses. You need to do research before you head to another state to find out about their firearm laws. You don't want to end up in prison because you didn't know the law of another state!

Now for the part that most of you have been waiting for! In the case of Plaxico, me as an athlete and as a citizen, I think that the punishment fits the crime. Athletes are just like regular citizens and shouldn't be taken as a higher power just because you have money or play on T.V. If he knew all the things I have just mentioned, he would not have brought his gun to that nightclub. If you are in a place where you feel your life is in danger and you choose to go there, well hire a certified person protection officer or just don't go there! I am sure there are other great places that you can go and you won't have a problem. Quick note on executive protection. Your bodyguard, just because they are big and can fight, doesn't mean they are qualified to protect you because they are not trained with adversity like gun shots and real life circumstances. First shots of a gun and I bet your boy is running faster than you and not putting himself in front of a bullet for what you pay him, if you do at all! Yes danger can happen anywhere, but under the laws that are made out there, it doesn't give you a right to bring a gun where you are not supposed to bring it. Keep your guns where they are allowed and know how to handle it, use it and have a firearms license and be well aware of the gun laws for your state and you will be just fine.

One great website among others for info about laws for each state and more, check out

Would love to hear comments, concerns, questions on this topic! Please feel free to leave them.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Changing the way Internet Marketing is done

As I am charging forward with the development of OPS and helping athletes out finding the very best amenities and services around this great country, I come across one big problem. How everyone perceives internet marketing. Everyone is used to compressions, ad bars, site traffic flow, and trying to get to the top of search engines. I am breaking the norm when it comes to all this. Somehow some companies are still not understanding the true value to advertising with The OPS Society so I am going to give you a few more benefits.

When you have a site that is just marketing to the general public and you have a product that everyone can afford with no problem, then yes the SEO, compressions, and traffic flow is a huge deal to ask a marketing company when you are going to spend money on advertising on the 'net. What are you really getting for all that money you are spending to be on the internet anyways? Because after all this is said and done, you are only getting a little ad bar so someone clicks on your website. Can you send a message to that person who just clicked on your link and communicate with them to see if they are really interested in your product? NO. So I hope your website is a very good salesperson that has great communication skills! Now if you are trying to target a specific audience and you have some products that are towards the higher priced ticket, is this really worth your money??

Now what if you were advertising at a place where you had that target market who could purchase your product/service without any problem and they were searching for you? That is what OPS is doing because there is a group of people who are always traveling and looking for some of the best amenities around the country. The best part is you will be able to communicate and send messages to those people on the network, not just have them click on your link. The other public social networks out there do this to a certain point, but the demographics of those networks aren't near what it is on this network here at OPS and nobody is on those networks to go out and look at advertising.

Now the part I am having a huge miss understanding with. OK, in all other forms of marketing you pay for it! Those other places you put money in, they do not do sales for your company, they help you market your product. Now the beauty of OPS is I have already put your target demographic together in one central spot and now just helped you do what your salespeople you hire are out there trying to do. Now this is as far as I go because like all the other marketing agencies, I too am not a sales company. This is why all companies have sales people. If all I did was do referrals, I would be working for you. So I would want a salary as well as commissions, but I do not want to work for hundreds of companies. I like what I am doing here and that is help YOU get the exposure so all those people you are paying can do their job, not me. Also, this way your sales people are getting the credit for landing a bunch of new leads and getting new business and making your company thrive. But will you need as many sales people when OPS has this network and when these types of closed social networks start becoming the norm??? Maybe OPS is helping you save money for your company in two ways not just one. This won't be the last type of network that will be coming out in the future!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Get and Stay Out of Your Comfort Zone

As I am embarking on my new adventure, I come across a lot of new hurdles and obstacles along the way. I also come across some great wisdom and advice from great people. Yes, I never went to college but like I tell many people I went to the University of the Minnesota Twins. And they had a Harvard type education there. I grew up and became a man faster than I could imagine and learned the ins and outs of not only baseball but how to handle myself in the public eye. I feel this is where you get your education for life! I do agree there is merit to getting an education and someday I hope to go and take some great courses to help me in furthering myself. But having a natural curiosity and always wanting to better myself, I always tried to learn new things when I had winters off and whenever I had free time. This and coupled with the ability to withstand adversity and high pressure situations has given me the ability to start my business and embark on my new adventure in life!

As mentioned earlier I try to pick out quotes and advice from great people or from sayings I have seen somewhere and try to use those quotes to model myself after. So I will use the quote and give the interpretation as to what I think it means! So the first quote is from a very bright guy and a very good marketer and entrepreneur by the name of Bob Parsons of GoDaddy.

"Get and Stay out of Your Comfort Zone!"
When you have a great idea or concept and want to expand and let your idea grow, you need to do anything and everything there is to get it started and get it out there. It is not easy getting something going from scratch. Concepts and business plans take time and if you are only staying within a certain area because you are afraid of failure, you will never know your concept's real potential. In other words, don't be afraid of failure and venture into uncharted waters because taking that fear of failure head on can be the biggest reward you will ever have in your life!

Monday, September 14, 2009

OPS Home Management and Security

It has certainly been a long time since my last post but there is good headwind for OPS. A slew of companies are getting on board realizing the potential that OPS brings for their advertising dollar. As we truck along finding these amenities, OPS is releasing a program for athletes, celebs, entertainers, and business people who often travel several times a month. Serving the Atlanta area and soon the Ft.Myers/Naples area.

The OPS Home Management and Security program was influenced by my desire to join the law enforcement community. Technically we are not a security company but more of a watch full eye over your house. Go into the house and check on the utilities, forward mail, have active police officers drive by your residence, limo rides to the airport, cleaning your house monthly and upon returning, stocking your fridge back up when you come back home and the list goes on.

Again being a former baseball player, I know what it is like to leave my home unoccupied for 9 months out of the year and knowing how vulnerable my home is. Being a single person too and coming home for an off day, finding a ride home and back to the airport is tough! Leaving your family at home and wouldn't it be nice to have a police officer or a trusted person available just a phone call away that already drives by to keep an eye out for you in the event you need help? I have thought of all the things that would put your mind at ease and give you the piece of mind that your home is being taken care of as if someone was living in it all year round. After all you have a financial planner to look after your other investments, why not have OPS as your real estate guardian!

We can create a simple plan or a very detailed program for you as elaborate as you want. We have the resources to do just about anything to satisfy you! Email Rob at for more info and a quote!